241102 Den Helder – Sal Rei (Cape Verde) Full Trip

This Sailing Adventure can be booked via our partner Reederij Oosterschelde

Sailing Adventure: From the Netherlands to Cape Verde Islands

Begin your extraordinary journey aboard the Morgenster, moored at the historic naval dockyard of Willemsoord in Den Helder. If you’re being accompanied by friends or family, there will be plenty of time to show them the ship and let them take in the atmosphere before departure. Once everyone is aboard, the captain will gather all the crew and passengers together. This meeting will cover the voyage plans, important safety procedures, and the rules of life on board. You’re not just a passenger on this voyage—you’ll become part of the crew, actively participating in the watch system and learning to sail like a true seafarer. It’s an adventure designed for those who crave a real, hands-on experience at sea.


Sailing the North Sea and English Channel

The adventure begins as we set sail across the North Sea, heading through the Strait of Dover and into the English Channel. This stretch of the journey might introduce you to some challenging weather, and during this time of year, the cold can be sharp. But that’s part of the thrill, isn’t it? You’ll rotate duties at the helm, and frequently raise or adjust the sails, working alongside your fellow crew members. When you\’re not attending to the sails, the scenery will captivate you. These are some of the busiest shipping lanes in the world, and you’ll witness ships of all shapes and sizes passing by—an experience few people ever get to enjoy from such a vantage point.

Coastal Stops and the Bay of Biscay

As we sail south, we might stop in a quaint Belgian, French, or English coastal town, or perhaps on one of the picturesque Channel Islands. This provides a perfect break to explore a coastal gem, making your journey even more enriching. From here, we head into the Bay of Biscay, waters known for their dramatic reputation. However, the bay is rich with maritime history and offers a unique sailing experience. As we leave the continental shelf behind, the ocean depth beneath the keel plunges to 5 kilometers—an exhilarating reminder of the vastness of the sea. The exact route across the Bay of Biscay will depend on the weather and wind conditions, ensuring that no two voyages are ever the same.

Setúbal and Sailing South

Our next stop is the stunning Portuguese port city of Setúbal, where some guests will disembark before we continue south toward the Canary Islands. After a brief stay, we hoist the sails again. With temperatures much warmer than in the Netherlands, you’ll feel the change in the air as we sail towards Cabo São Vicente, where sunny skies and gentle winds await. This part of the journey is when you’ll really feel the essence of sailing, with calm seas and favorable winds carrying us forward. As we sail further south, keep an eye out for dolphins, seabirds, and perhaps even a pod of whales. If we’re lucky, we might spot flying fish or catch a Dorado (Mahi Mahi) for dinner.

The Canary Islands and Final Leg to Cape Verde

Before embarking on the ocean crossing to Cape Verde, we’ll make a stop at Porto Santo or Madeira, where you’ll have time to explore these beautiful islands. The deep blue waters here are home to a variety of marine life, and it’s not uncommon to see dolphins and sea turtles swimming near the ship. The final leg of the journey takes us from Tenerife to Cape Verde, where the Northeast Trade Winds and the Canary Current will give us a welcome push towards our destination. With the winds at our back and the sun shining, you’ll spend plenty of time on deck, soaking in the beauty of the open sea. This is the kind of voyage that dreams are made of, and it’s a rare opportunity to experience the raw beauty of the ocean in its purest form.

Becoming Part of the Crew

As a guest aboard the Morgenster, you are much more than a passenger—you’re part of the crew. You’ll be assigned to a watch and trained to help sail, steer, and navigate the ship. Don’t worry if you’ve never sailed before—our experienced crew is there to guide you every step of the way. They’ll patiently teach you how to handle the lines, hoist the sails, and work together as a team. Most of our guests love being actively involved in the work on board, but we’re always happy to accommodate your personal preferences and physical abilities.

Sailing aboard a traditional tall ship like the Morgenster is a truly unique experience, whether you’re an experienced sailor or a first-time adventurer. The seas around the Cape Verde Islands are ideal for sailing, with constant winds and perfect conditions for a smooth and exciting voyage. This is your chance to disconnect from the busy world and immerse yourself in the adventure of a lifetime.

This Sailing Adventure can be booked via our partner Reederij Oosterschelde