241118 Setubal (P) – Tenerife (Es)

This Sailing Adventure can be booked via our partner Reederij Oosterschelde

Sailing Adventure: From Setúbal to Tenerife on the Morgenster

In the late afternoon, you’ll step aboard the Morgenster in the charming Portuguese port city of Setúbal, ready to embark on a memorable voyage. As you settle in, you’ll have the chance to meet the crew and your fellow travelers, setting the tone for the days ahead. The captain will then gather everyone for an important briefing, outlining the detailed plans for the voyage, essential safety procedures, and the daily routines of life on board. This is more than just a journey—it’s an opportunity to immerse yourself in the rhythm of the sea and the camaraderie of sailing.

Sailing from Setúbal: The Adventure Begins

As the sun rises the following morning, we’ll leave the port behind and begin our journey south. Together, we’ll hoist the sails under the guidance of the experienced crew, who will provide thorough instruction to ensure everyone feels confident. If you’re feeling adventurous, there’s also the option to climb the rigging or assist on the bowsprit—don’t worry, you’ll receive specialized training to keep you safe. The temperatures here are already warmer than back in northern Europe, with a pleasant 15 degrees Celsius, and as we sail further south, the weather will only continue to improve.

As we approach Cabo São Vicente, expect to see the first signs of summer: shorts, sunglasses, and a steady breeze that promises ideal sailing conditions. From this point, we can anticipate good weather and favorable winds for the remaining 500 nautical miles to the Canary Islands. Imagine the thrill of the open sea, the wind at your back, and the endless horizon stretching out before you.

Ocean Crossing and Wildlife Encounters

Before we cross the open ocean to reach the Canary Islands, we’ll make a stop at the beautiful islands of Porto Santo or Madeira. These islands offer a brief respite before we continue our adventure, and they’re rich in natural beauty and culture. Once we’re back on the water, the ocean comes alive around us. Dolphins often play in the ship’s wake, and seabirds glide effortlessly overhead. With a bit of luck, we might even spot whales making their way through the deep blue waters.

As we sail, there’s a high chance we’ll encounter schools of flying fish, sometimes pursued by the striking green and gold Dorado (Mahi Mahi). If fortune is on our side, we might catch one of these swift hunters, and you’ll enjoy the freshest seafood dinner imaginable. This is the essence of life at sea—unexpected encounters with nature and the thrill of the hunt.

Arrival in Tenerife

As we approach the island of Tenerife, you’ll be able to see the towering Teide Volcano, the highest peak in Spain, from a great distance if the skies are clear. It’s a stunning sight and a perfect welcome to the Canary Islands. By November 24, 2024, we’ll dock in the vibrant port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, where guests who aren’t continuing to Cape Verde will say their goodbyes after breakfast the next morning. This is not just the end of a journey but the beginning of lifelong memories of a sailing adventure unlike any other.

Becoming Part of the Crew

Sailing on a large square-rigged tall ship like the Morgenster is a truly unique experience, whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a complete beginner. The seas between the Canary Islands and Cape Verde offer ideal sailing conditions, with constant Northeast Trade Winds blowing at a steady force of 4 to 6 Beaufort. The long ocean swells are where the Morgenster thrives, gliding smoothly through the waves. Unlike crowded shipping lanes, these waters are relatively quiet, with the occasional fishing boat or cargo ship providing the only company.

Aboard the Morgenster, you won’t just be a passenger—you’ll be an integral part of the crew. You’ll be assigned to a watch and receive comprehensive instruction on how to sail the ship, steer, and navigate. Our experienced crew will patiently explain the purpose of every line, halyard, and sheet, so you’ll quickly feel at home with the tasks at hand. No prior sailing experience is necessary, and most guests find that they enjoy the hands-on work. Of course, we always accommodate your preferences and any physical limitations you may have.

A Journey Like No Other

This adventure is about more than just sailing—it’s about immersing yourself in the life of the sea, learning new skills, and forming lasting bonds with your fellow crew members. Whether you’re navigating the open ocean, helping raise the sails, or spotting dolphins and flying fish, every moment on the Morgenster offers something new and exciting. Are you ready to set sail on the adventure of a lifetime?

This Sailing Adventure can be booked via our partner Reederij Oosterschelde