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Individual trips by Morgenster

Welcome on the voyages of Morgenster.

In your updated travelling information you will get a telephone number by which you can contact the vessel and the precizest possible position of the vessel or rendez vous point, either in port or at anchor. If she is at anchor you will be picked up with the inflatable boat, Morgenster’s RIB.

The Master will welcome you and the other guests on board and will tell you about the voyage and the expected weather. There will be a safety briefing to prepare all aboard for emergency situations. The crew will walk a guided safety your with you to familiarize you with locations of fire extinguishers, life buoys, life rafts, the several alarms that could sound and the importance of keeping escape route clear of luggage.

During the voyage you are very welcome to participate with the crew in sailing Morgenster. Those who would like to climb the rig will get instructed and trained by the crew.

If your trip would be cancelled because of Covid effects, we will completely refund your payments. Morgenster does not use vouchers.

IMG_20180529_140018431_HDR (Copy).jpgLegenda

Voyage code: Identity of the specific voyage in our booking system

Embarkation: Location, date and time that you come on board. The price of the voyage does not include traveling cost that you have to come to the embarkation location.

Disembarkation: Location, date and time where you sign off. The price of the voyage does not include your traveling cost to get back home.

Type of voyage:

 1.    Relative sheltered waters with ports of refuge to avoid stormy weather. Evacuation in case of illness or injury should be possible.

2.    Open waters and ocean crossings without ports of refuge to seek shelter. Evacuation by helicopters not always possible.

3.  Ocean crossing with high chance of rough weather. No heli evacuation possible.

Number of days: the length of the voyage in days.

Mileage: the expected length of the voyage in nautical miles.

Price p.p. in 4 p cabin: price per person for this voyage with full boarding in a four bed cabin. If you booked a 4 p cabin we provide full bed clothes and towels.

Price p.p. in 2 p cabin: price per person for this voyage with full boarding in a two bed cabin. We provide full bed clothes and towels.

Full Boarding; included in the price is Breakfast, Coffee Tea, Lunch, Afternoon Snack, Supper, Grilled Cheese Sandwiches in the night watches.

Not included: beverages from the bar, T-shirts, hoodies.


Our trips for 2024


Type of voyage = 1

La Rochelle, France, 23 June 17:00

Bordeaux, France, 27 June 10:00



Type of voyage = 2

Bordeaux, France, 30 June 17:00

Brest, France, 6 July 10:00



Type of voyage = 1

Brest, France, 6 July 17:00

Brest, France, 12 July 10:00



Embarkment data:



First stop will be

Fecamp in Bassin Berigny


Next will be Oostend Belgium, probably at the Royal Yacht Club in the Montgommery dok



Then we go to Vlissingen the Netherlands where we are moored nearby hotel de Toimmerfabriek.

The Willem Ruysstraat is straigt alongside.



In La Rochelle we are moored at Rue Senac de Meilhan straight across the  aquarium.




In Bordeaux we are moored at the left bank of river, the southwest wall, nearby  Place de la Bourse


In Brest it is harder to prodict, but probably the quay

Penn Ar Bed on thequay des Douanes.

What do you need

to travel with us?


All about our Terms&Conditions







Contact us for any questions.

Phone: +31 6 53 46 44 69